samedi 22 décembre 2007

Happy New Year...
Fericit Nou An...
Καλη Xρονια...
Prospero Ano Nuevo...
Bonne Année...
...du L.P. Jean Perrin de Longjumeau

mardi 18 décembre 2007

In our city...

Buildings in Longjumeau ...

The post office...

The church...

The town-hall ...

lundi 19 novembre 2007

dimanche 18 novembre 2007

The Personality test of ...

Hardy William ...alliace tigrous style

The Personality test of ...

Guyot Cedric

The Personality test of ...

Dubois Cyril

The Personality test of ...


The Personality test of ...


The Personality test of ...

Kévin Kerrien

The Personality test of ...


Personality Test

Good Morning

This is a personality test for all of us...

Please fill in the above table putting in each cell your drawing ( your favourite picture or image ).

Each image inform us about you...

Julien P.- Guillaume S. - Jérémy H. - Christophe C.

Our future life

In a future life, we want to make a family and have a home with children. Our plans are to find a great job to earn a lot of money. We want to have a job in electricity or in aeroplane. Life is very difficult and we are hoping that we will succeed our plan.


Relationship with family is different from relationship with friends. Family implies respect, love, brotherhood. Then with our friends we like relaxing, to entertain to think about other things. Teachers are here to teach us, to understand us and to cheer us up for our future. With some teachers it is better than with others. In the classroom, the atmosphere is good, some pupils will become friends and some others will stay pupils.

Our interests for the world

We are very interested in politics because we will soon have to vote for the presidential election and it is the citizen’s duty. Environment is very important because we are depending on our environment which is beginning to die because of the greenhouse effect. We are not interested in the fashion phenomenon because we have not the time for window shopping and brands are too much expensive for students. Progress is very interesting because we work in electrotechnics and in this subject the evolution is everywhere.

dimanche 21 octobre 2007

Fréderic A - Cédric G - William H - Christophe N

Our ambitions

We would like to have the driving licence and the school living certificate. We would like to get married and to have three children, a house and a beautiful car, to have a good job with a good pay. Somebody wants to engage in the army and the other ones would like to be bosses of a firm .Some would like to work in Canada ,Germany for the pay and the better life condition.

The family and friends

The family is the most important thing for us. This is for this we’re very linked to our family even if we don’t understand every time. Friends are almost as important as family, they allow us to understand our family, there aren’t any taboo subject, and for this complicity they are like a second family.

Current events in the world

Today the world is crazy and disrespectful because war and pollution are at the centre of current events, but otherwise we don’t worry about the global actuality except the disaster like the World Trade Centre and the environment is not our first cause of concern for the moment except the global warming because it is very worrying.

vendredi 5 octobre 2007

Καλημερα... Buenos dias...
Bună dimineaţa...

du Lycée Professionnel Jean Perrin de Longjumeau

Nous et les autres...

LP Jean Perrin de Longjumeau et les autres...