mardi 22 avril 2008

The fourth day...

Plaça Real...
Casa Batlo...
Museu d'Historia de la Ciutat...
Museu Picasso...
Ciutat Vella...
Port Barcelona...

Hasta luego...

by Ant.

The third day...

Plaça Real...
Port Barcelona ...
Poble Espanyol...
Parc de Montjuic...
Platja Barcelonetta...

by Ant.

The pedagogical meeting...

with the Spanish, Greek and French professors...

by Ant.

The second day ...

Plaça Real...
La Rambla...
Mercado de la Boqueria...
Plaça Catalunya...
Park Guell...
Camp Nou...
Sagrada Familla...

by Ant.

The first day ...


1020 km ....... 14 h

by Ant.

jeudi 3 avril 2008

Un Picasso...retrouvé ...


Incroyable. Une gouache de Picasso réalisée alors que l’artiste avait à peine 20 ans a été retrouvée dans la chambre à coucher d’une résidence du sud-ouest de l’Angleterre, a indiqué lundi la maison d’enchères Duke’s qui la mettra en vente la semaine prochaine. «Etreinte» représente Picasso nu enlacé avec son amie Louise Lenoir, connue sous le nom d’Odette. L’oeuvre aurait été réalisée en 1901 ou 1902, alors que le peintre espagnol avait à peine 20 ans. La gouache avait été authentifiée par Picasso en 1969. L’oeuvre a été retrouvée adossée avec deux autres toiles contre le mur d’une chambre à coucher d’une maison située dans le sud-ouest de l’Angleterre. Selon la presse, la résidence appartient à un membre d’une «famille royale internationale». Guy Schwinge, de la maison Duke’s à qualifié la découverte d’«incroyable», la peinture sera mise en vente le 10 avril. Elle est estimée à au moins 100.000 livres (126.000 euros), selon Duke’s.

mercredi 2 avril 2008

Le Corbusier (1887-1965): Villa Savoye

Le Corbusier (1887-1965)

Le Corbusier (1887-1965):

Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris, who chose to be known as Le Corbusier (October 6, 1887 – August 27, 1965), was a Swiss-born architect, designer, urbanist, writer and also painter, who is famous for his contributions to what now is called Modern Architecture.

In his 30s he became a French citizen.
He was a pioneer in theoretical studies of modern design and was dedicated to providing better living conditions for the residents of crowded cities.

His career spanned five decades, with his iconic buildings constructed throughout central Europe, India, Russia, and one structure each in North and South America. He was also an urban planner, painter, sculptor, writer, and modern furniture designer.

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)

One of the greatest painter of the twentieth-century.

Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain. Pablo adopted his maternal name Picasso, instead of Ruiz (father’s name). Picasso’s father was a professor of art and had the earliest influence on his son.

Picasso made three trips to Paris: 1900, 1901, and 1902, returning each time to his family in Spain because of a lack of money. He was finally able to settle in Paris in 1903. For the rest of his life Picasso was considered a French painter. His Spanish friends in Paris said he always had a little French in him, but Picasso said the French made him feel more Spanish.

Picasso’s blue period started in Paris in 1901, but it didn’t begin to flourish until he returned to Barcelona that same year. Majority of the blue works are women. Transition between the blue and rose period began in 1904. The rose paintings are filled with harlequins and acrobats.
The rose period started to end with The Portrait of Gertrude Stein in 1906.

At this time he started to move towards sculpture and printmaking. This started his fascination of simplifying of objects into geometric forms. His paintings became more linear and sharp. Picasso’s influences from Cezanne developed into Cubism. In 1907, his Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon established his avant-garde status.

The beginning of World War I put an end to Cubism in Picasso’s work. His Post-war paintings began to become Surrealist, as in The Dance (1925).
Click here...

mardi 1 avril 2008

Claude Monet (1840-1926)

Claude Monet was a founder of French impressionist painting, and the most consistent and prolific practitioner of the movement's philosophy of expressing one's perceptions before nature, especially as applied to plein-air landscape painting.

On the Bank of the Seine, Bennecourt, 1868. An early example of plein-air impressionism, in which a gestural and suggestive use of oil paint was presented as a finished work of art.